
Atrás Exchanges of good practice can serve as a useful guidance for policy makers when designing and implementing microeconomic policies or structural reforms.

Exchanges of good practice can serve as a useful guidance for policy makers when designing and implementing microeconomic policies or structural reforms.

In the Industrial Policy Communication of 28 October 2010, the Commission committed itself to promote cooperation on policies across the EU and invited Member States to engage in exchanges of good practice.  In this context, DG Enterprise & Industry launched a new series of exchange of good practice. The aim is to support policy development and learning among Member States and to promote increased competitiveness by highlighting well-substantiated good practice.

Final reports of good practice projects commissioned by European Commission - Enterprise & Industry:

  1. Exchange of good policy practices promoting the industrial uptake and deployment of key enabling technologies pdf - 6 MB [6 MB] .
  2. Exchange of good policy practices promoting Innovative/Green Business Models. (report will be added soon)
  3. Exchange of good practice in foreign direct investment promotion pdf - 4 MB [4 MB] .
  4. Enhancing the competitiveness of tourism in the EU ¿ an evaluation approach to establishing 20 cases of innovation and good practice pdf - 2 MB [2 MB] . 

         * summary of the report pdf - 750 KB [750 KB]   
         * annex B pdf - 4 MB [4 MB] (Good Practice Cases)